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1m long and 30cm wide and 45cm high its 55 gallons. I use halogen lights. I use Vita Pet filtration a large filter (200 litres per hour) and a smaller one when i dont want to stress my fish out with the larger ones flow(50 litres per hour)
Get into it and have fun read description of fish tank 4 advice
Fish Kept:
4 comets (although coldwater fish they manage to survive in my tropical tank) 3 silver sharks (really good fish and very active) 1 platinum Gourami (beautiful fish, not so active and very territorial) 9 guppies (very pretty fish and active great contribute to the tank) 10 feeder fish (awesome to have, they are not stunning but they keep my tank clean and will feast on basically anything!!)
I do use some fake and some real plants pet shops sell them
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
I now have fish. I started off with yabbies (how I got the name Yabbyman) then went to fish and gradually got more and more fish. Im just a schoolboy