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3ft African Cichlid tank.
New tank - only 2 months old.
1500L/h cannister filter, Coral sand, Mixture of rocks - mostly sandstone to raise the ph level.
Looking to buy a better light so that I can have a blue and white tube.
Get a ph buffer for your tank, as the correct ph level will bring out the colours in the fish. Although its expensive to buy a lot of chemicals for the tank, its worth it as you will rarely lose a fish if you get the water right.
Fish Kept:
Mostly lake malawi cichlids (electric yellows, electric blue, red zebra, maingano, afra cobue, blue dolphin, cobalt blue, red forrest jewel, red peacock, interruptus,venustus & lombardoi) and have 3 american cichlids (convicts) and 3 lake tanganyika (frontosa, julidochromis gombi & princess cichlid)
In my experience, cichlids destroy real plants, so i only have a few fake plants at this stage.
Tank Size:
45 gallons