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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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New Jersey
United States
My total system is 210gallon system..containing 125 gal mixed south american and central american set ( 1 flowerhorn, 1 synsm/flowerhorn, 1 green terror, 1 jack dempsey, 4 orange severums, 2 gold severums, 2 green severums, 2 firemouths, 2 birchirs, 4 clown loaches, 4 rams, 2 kribs,4 corys, 10 tiger barbs, and a few more I can't remeber......30 breeder contains 2 fire mouths....20 long contains 2 kribs...15 gallon contains 3 dwarf gouramis..12 rasbar barbs....2 kribs...and a ton of plants....all tanks are connected to a 75 gal sump
Water changes...water changes...I feed heavy every day..and do 90% water changes every week....I also put a layer of peat moss in my sump which the water flows threw to keep my water soft and a low ph....also this whole system runs off of one pump which feeds all tanks and I drilled all tanks to drain into sump
Fish Kept:
4 orange severums
2 gold severums
2 green severums
1 tiger oscar
1 flower horn
4 fire mouths
1 jack dempsey
2 bichirs
1 gold gouramie
1 opal gouramie
8 rams
4 kribs
4 pleco
1 bumble bee catfish
1 angel fish
1 coral gouramie
1 flame gouramie
10 tiger barbs
12 rasbara barbs
4 clown loaches
1 blue loach
4 corys
1 salvini cichlid
1 green terror
1 honey gouramie
And other plants....I use a lot of plants
Tank Size:
210 gallons
i got fish tanks...with cichlids in it!!!!!
About Yourself:
I got into hobby about 3 years ago .....I started with a 40 breeder....since then I had over thirty different tanks set up over the last few years...fresh...salt...planted...reef...sa/ca cichlids...african cichilids...barb...catfish....125 to nanos.... I also built some custom set ups for people and set tanks up for people....I'm a true beleiver in the sump system fresh or salt...I do plumbing and electrical by trade so this set up is the most effiecent setup I have done to date all ligths are t5 ho one return pump and two heaters is what runs this system.... I love designing tanks for people and setting them up....to be continued