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This picture looks better than 64.38% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.71
This picture has been rated : 24 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United States
75 gal tank, 1 280 Marineland filter, 1 350 Marinland filter, 300 W heater, 3 airstones, 2 air pumps, fake plants (so my Oscars don't kill them when they redecorate), a large piece of driftwood,small sandstone, slate for breading and various sizes of natural color rock
55 gal tank, Whisper 30-60 filter, 2 150 W heaters, 1 air disk, 1 air pump, fake plants, small sandstone rocks, and natural color river rock
40 gal tank , sand stone , fake plants , blue gravel (for now) whisper 30-60 filter 150 W heater air stone and air pump.
30 gal tank, 100 W heater , whisper 30 and a penguin 25 filters , gravel and fake plants.
Always research the fish you want to keep, don't think you can upgrade over night, plan ahead. If your wife says no, get her involved, she'll come around. The internet is a great resource....over use it!!
If you want a full look try using a good backdrop so you can leave you fish plenty of room to swim.
Fish Kept:
75 gal-2 8" oscars, 1 10' oscar , a 5" male JD and a 10 1/2" sailfin pleco.
55 gal-1 red oscar , 1 female green terror , 1 female JD, 1 8" common pleco
40 gal- 3 red jewel cichlids , 6" pleco , 2 fire mouths a small male GT and a 4" GT
30 gal- 15 fancy guppies , 1 2" clown pleco ( WIFES TANK !! )
various fake plants
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
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