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New Jersey
United States
Freshwater, 2 Fluval 405 Filters, Coral Life Luft Air Pump, Ebo Jager 250 watt Heater a Aqua Clear 70 Power head and and a Koralia 1400 wave maker . Standard Aquarium Lighting with blue led night lighting on timers. Tank is 48x18x32 125 gallons.
Go slow and let your tanks ecosystem stabilize, then enjoy it and get a book or two I personally enjoy Dr Axelrods Atlas of freshwater aquariums.
Fish Kept:
Lake Malawi Mbuna Chichlids
Plastic Plants, Cichlid Stones
Tank Size:
125 gallons
About Yourself:
I recently relocated my tank to another room in my home so we stripped it, cleaned it and we are enjoying it as through it is brand new. I have been keeping freshwater fish for over 20 years. My favorite fish is the Green Severum.