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This picture looks better than 52.36% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.37
This picture has been rated : 27 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.43
More Info
3 feet by 2 feet by 2feet
Two Tube lights:
1.Coral Blue
2.Aquarium Red
Undergravel Filter +
Biological Sponge Filter
Thermostat automatic Heater
(Controlled Overcrowding)
Be patient and keep changing the water.
Fish Kept:
2 Tiger Oscar's
2 Golden Severum's
2 Convict's
1 Blue Texas Cichlid
1 Green Terror
1 Electric Blue Johanni
2 Electric Yellow Morph's
2 Metraclima zebra "albino"
1 Pleco
2 Tiger Loaches
6 Tiger Barbs (Target Fish)
Anubias afzelii
Wasserpest (Elodea densa)
Tank Size:
43 gallons
Aquariums bring life-long peace to the home.
About Yourself:
I am a med-student, i got into the hobby because of my friend who had a huge tank, the in my search for fish i fell in love with the cichlid family.
Their aggressive nature and beautiful colors relly intrigued me.
My friend challenged me to keep a mixed cichlid tank that was functional clean and where the fish were happy. I investigated into to controlled overcrowding, and the the types of enviroments my fish like.
Although most aquarium fish, have been bread in captivity, they would have no idea of their natural environment...they just adapt.
So over course of 4 months i perfected the water quality and temperature along with a designed environment to reduce territorial fighting.
In the end...i have a peaceful coexistent mixed cichlid community,
But cichlids willbe cichlids and once in a while the chases ensue....
Patience is key....