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United States
75 gallon mixed cichlid tank with lace rock and artificial plants all on black gravel, T5 lighting and dual hob filters
Research, research and more research.
Fish Kept:
Kenyi Cichlid, Johanni Cichlid, Cobalt Blue Zebra Cichlid, Red Zebra Cichlid, Electric Yellow Cichlid, Sunshine Peacock, Clown Loach, Sailfin Pleco (L-83)
Lace rock and artificial plants
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Somethings fishy here!
About Yourself:
My name is brandon b.k.a Ez. I am a bartender/bouncer in down town savannah. Ive always been a huge fish geek. I enjoy sport fishing and of course building aquariums. Ive been building tanks since I was around 8 years old. I currently own a 75 gallon cichlid tank and I also own a 180 gallon tank which is (at the moment) a reef tank but I am in the process of converting it to freshwater. I am going fresh with it to feed my new infatuation with predator / monster fish.