More Info
United States
70 gallon (tall tank 36"w x 25"h x 18"d). Lighting is a LifeGLo2 florescent tube.
Undergravel and Eheim-2217 filters.
Be prepared for disaster. It happens sometimes at first but don't let that stop you from being diligent. It eventually pays off!
Fish Kept:
Currently--6 rummynose tetras, 6 cardinal tetras, 8 cory cats, 3 upside down African cats, 7 albino bristlenose plecos, 8 harlequins, 7 glass cats
All plastic plants, petrified wood, driftwood, other rock and stones. Various fun stuff like the rum drinking skeleton and Slo Mermaid ceramics.
Tank Size:
70 gallons
You want a corndog?
About Yourself:
We are crazy in love with our fish. Being that this is our first tank, we hope we have done everything right to keep them alive and happy!.......That was when we first got our tank and boy have we been through a lot since then!!! One big die-off, one big round of some sickness that we eventually beat, having to get rid of the gouramis that were bullying our tetras and other smaller fish. BUT our two albino plecos had multiple "litters' for a total of about 80 babies until we finally removed their "love shack", a chinese fishing boat that we ordered from ebay. We just couldn't take all the babies, it was really upsetting the tank levels and they'd get in the filter etc. Our pepper cories also had two babies that lived and we still have them along w/ about 6 of the plecos (for now--we gave all the rest of the plecos away and probably will do the same with these eventually, keeping the original two who we have dubbed Mr. and Mrs. McLovin').