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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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I'm not too sure, about 150-200 litres
`research which types of fish go well together
`ask fish and aquarium stores for advice if you dont know
`give you fish a balanced and varied diet (research it)
` and never buy fish from tanks which have dead ones in them
Fish Kept:
1 large silver shark
1 gold algae eater
2 brown algae eaters
2 bristle nose catfish
6 tigerbarbs
8 paradise fish (offspring of my late paradise partners =[ )
1 tetra ( all the rest have dies over the years, this one has been a survivor)
and pleanty of fresh water shrimp
plastic plants at the moment, i find its too expensive to keep real plants in my tank because my fish love organic matter.
If at first you dont succeed, try and try again =]
About Yourself:
i love fish.. aquariums look great and make awesome focal points.. they are quite entertaining.. better than a tv..