Photo #14 - These Are My Glass Catfish - 1 Coolies Loach...

freshwater fish - kryptopterus bicirrhis - ghost glass cat stocking in 180 gallons tank - these are my glass catfish
Submitted By: lewis on
Photo Caption: these are my glass catfish
freshwater fish - synodontis eupterus - featherfin catfish stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is my butterfly catfish well i think it is if you no plezz tell me
freshwater fish - balantiocheilus melanopterus - bala shark stocking in 180 gallons tank - my 2 of 3 sliver sharks
freshwater fish - synodontis eupterus - synodontis eupterus catfish stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is my catfish
freshwater fish - rineloricaria fallax - whiptail pleco stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is my wiptail
180 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - this is my new tank
freshwater fish - gymnocorymbus sp. - black skirt tetra stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is 1 of my 4 black widow tetras
freshwater fish - rineloricaria fallax - whiptail catfish stocking in 180 gallons tank - these are my wiptail's they both have died now
freshwater fish - baryancistrus sp. - gold nugget pleco (l-18) stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is my pleco my golden nugget pleco
freshwater fish - synodontis eupterus - synodontis eupterus catfish stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is my catfish but i don't now what he is plezz tell me if u no
180 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - this is the top view of my tank
freshwater fish - pangio sp. - black kuhlii loach stocking in 180 gallons tank - these r my coolie loaches
freshwater fish - carnegiella strigata - marble hatchet stocking in 180 gallons tank - these r may hatchis this is the best pic i tock
freshwater fish - trichogaster trichopterus - opaline gourami stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is my gourami
freshwater fish - kryptopterus bicirrhis - ghost glass cat stocking in 180 gallons tank - these are my glass catfish
freshwater fish - carnegiella strigata - marble hatchet stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is my hatchits and 1 of my emprat tetras
freshwater fish - pangio sp. - black kuhlii loach stocking in 180 gallons tank - collie loach
freshwater fish - corydoras aeneus - albino aeneus cory cat stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is my aldino cory
freshwater fish - trichogaster trichopterus - opaline gourami stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is my opailine gourami he has died
freshwater fish - corydoras paleatus - peppered cory cat stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is my pepermint cory which i dont have eny more
freshwater fish - poecilia latipinna - balloon molly stocking in 180 gallons tank - this is my golden molly which i dont have eny more
freshwater fish - poecilia sphenops - gold dust molly stocking in 180 gallons tank - my male golden molly (which i dont have eny more)

Rank Info

Ranked #7363 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 1.75% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.26
This picture has been rated : 19 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

Country: United Kingdom
Description: large with lot's of fish my tank has 1 coolies loach's 3 hatchets 3 empra tetras 3 black widow tetras 1 catfish 2golden nugget plecos 1 horse head loach 1 yoyo loach
Fish Kept: 1 coolies loach's 3 hatchets 3 empra tetras 3 black widow tetras 1 catfish 2golden nugget plecos 1 horse head loach 1 yoyo loach
Corals/Plants: live plants fack plants and bog wood
Tank Size: 180 gallons
Quote: so....
About Yourself: i think plecos are the best fish


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