More Info
United States
Perfecto Aquarium Glass Tank: 30" X 181/2"X 12"
Lighting: Reef Sun 50/50
Filter: Whisper Ex 30-45
Always make bi-monthly to monthly water changes.
Invest in a Water Test Kit and check your water parameters often.
Give your Fish a varied diet.
Fish Kept:
1 Green Spotted Puffer, 1 Spotted Climbing Perch, 1 Black Ghost Knife Fish, 2 Sailfin Mollies, 3 Harlequin Rasboros, 3 Salt & Pepper Catfish, 2 Zebra Danios, 1 Leopard Danio and 3 Rasboro Tetras
1 Anacharis, 1 Giant Java Fern, 2 Marimo Balls , 1 Sword Plant and artificial plants and reef ornaments
Tank Size:
29 gallons
About Yourself:
I was very interested in fish aquatics since the age of 5. I used to watch my uncle take care of his, and loved to watch them. I am retired and love all pets. I have 2 Patterdale dogs, 1 boy and 1 girl. Also have 1 cat who is the belle of the ball. I have 2 birds. One white Lutine Cocketiel, and 1 Spanish Timbrado.