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The Average Score for this category is: 4.30
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United States
I have a 125 gallon saltwater aquarium. It is 18" deep and 72" long. My stand was custom built by my Dad and I. As for my equipment have the following: 72" Coralife Lunar Aqualight, Euro-Reef RS-80, Mag-Drive 1800 Pump, Mega-Flow Model 4 Sump Filter and that is about it.....
Do your homework before you start, take in consideration everything about starting a saltwater aquarium (ex: type of fish, rock, stand and whether or not ur going to do fish only or coral), buy for the future of your tank; not just for now. Find some one that has experience in saltwater aquaruims and that you can trust to help you make decisions to upkeep your tank correctly. Thanks Mark, for all you help and guidence throughout this process.
Fish Kept:
Volatile lion fish,
Copper Banded Butterfly,
Auruga Butterfly,
Emperor Angel,
Brittle Star,
Green Wolf Eel,
Clorki Clown,
Yellow Tail Blue Damsel
Hawian lava rock
live rock
Tank Size:
125 gallons
"Its not so hard"
About Yourself:
I currently Install/maintain ElectronIc security systems for the Gov't and major corporations. I started out with freshwater aquariums for about two years, but never had the same fascination with freshwater fish as I did with saltwater fish. The color and uniqueness of the fish always caught my eye when I went into stores to go buy equipment and food for my fresh water tank. I was always scared to start a new hobby with saltwater fish (everyone saying how hard its and how expensive it can be) but once I moved in my new home I figured it was a great opportunity to start something new....so I did. This is my first tank and it has been up and running for since 11/12/07.