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New Jersey
United States
Tank 1: 36inlong 18intall 12inwide 38gal
penguin filter, fluval 304 filter, protein skimmer, normal light, 2 heaters, digital thermometeter, shiny blue backround. Has live rock, lots of places for fish to hide, inverts, and fish.
Tank 2: 24inlong 16intall 12inwide 20 gal
eclipse filter, eheim filter, normal lights, 2 heaters, digital thermometer, coral backround. Has no live rock or coral, has artificial decorations, plants and more fish only tank. NOTE: this fishtank is soon going to become a 75gal tank.
dont buy fish on first day of setup, buy fish in seperate trips, dont buy them all at once, clean filters regularly. Aclimate new fish and inverts, choose your fish wisely. Shop at animal house 973 838 7239 if you live in jersey
Fish Kept:
Tank 1: 2 chromis, 2 blood shrimp, 1 cherub angelfish, 1 ocellaris clownfish, 1 cleaner shrimp, 2 anthius, countless feather dusters 3 large ones, 1 fairy wrasse, 2 scooter blennies, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 longnosed hawk, 1 purple psuedo, 1 foxface rabbitfish, 1 horseshoe crab, 1 red crab, 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 bullet goby, 1-? clams.
Tank 2: 1 Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish, 1 bullet goby, 1 milardi clownfish, 1 foxface rabbitfish, 1 valentini puffer, 1 flame hawk.
tank 1: live rock
Tank 2: NONE
Tank Size:
38 gallons
fish are friends not food
About Yourself:
got into the hobby december 2006 and started off with a crash, I then visited a better fish store and got back in line, i have two tanks now one with live rock the other is fish only. (38gal & 20gal soon to be 75gal)