Rank Info
This picture looks better than 76.23% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.11
This picture has been rated : 37 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United Kingdom
- 2nd hand Fluval Roma
- Aquaray lighting
- Fluval 200W heater
- Fluval 100W heater
- Fluval 300W heater (all 25c)
- JBL e1501 filter(main)
- JBL e901 filter(second)
- x4 JBL pro silent air pumps
- x2 Fluval CP1 Circulation pumps (aimed at surface)
- Seneye connected to SWS for early/remote warnings.
Patience!, Research, Routine water testing,Regular water changes
Fish Kept:
German Blue Ram, Gold Barb, Bristle-nose Catfish, Golden Severum, Red-line Torpedo barb.
Tank Size:
52 gallons
About Yourself:
Have been in the hobby a few years now. Still loving it, but still learning too.
Positive feedback always appreciated, constructive criticism accepted as long as its not too overboard.
Thanks for checking my profile. Don't forget to vote! :)