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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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40 tall 36x12x21
5x30 watt Fluorescent lights on 11hrs
Co2 injection
ph 6.4
kh 4
temp 83
1/2 water change 2 times a week
Fluval 304
seachem liquid ferts and tabs
Gain knowledge from all how are willing to teach
Fish Kept:
Sailfin Molly,Fancy Guppy,Siamese Fighting Fish, Gourami's,Red-Tailed Black Shark,Siamese Algae Eater,Harlequin Rasbora,Cardinal Tetra,Neon Tetra,
Rummy-Nose Tetra,Ram Cichlid,Bolivian Ram,
Agassiz's Apisto,Discus,Jaguar Cichlid,Adolfo´s Cory,Bristlenose Pleco,Chinese Hillstream Loach,Takashi Amano Shrimp
Vallisneria,Hygrophila ,Hemianthus micranthemoides
Cryptocoryne,Hygrophila difformis,Echinodorus amazonicus,
Tank Size:
40 gallons
one shot one kill
About Yourself:
Always loved the hobby. Got serious about it 4 years ago. I mainly keep discus, I have 9 at the moment. 2 are in my planted tank. The others are in a 55-gallon grow out tank and my first and oldest, witch I nicknamed killer is in a 10-gallon tank. He is one very aggressive discus.
I have been keeping plants for about 3 years and injecting co2 for 6 months. I will never go back to plastic plants again.