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This picture looks better than 2.32% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.34
This picture has been rated : 189 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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United States
125 gallon Reef tank, 140lbs live ,rock 50 lbs limerock (austin) Refuge 30 gallon w protein skimmer mini heater, macro-light dual micron 250 bags, Dual powerhead mounted on PVC, 1/5 hp fountain pump (suction side) 1/8 hp return pump, custom fitted to refuge w/Quad returns (bendable like machienst style) T-5 lighting w/3 program modes 8 bulb 10 led (blue moon like at night)
custom overflo, custom return w/micron bag 150. Substrate sand/on coral/on live sand/on coral. 50 shells for inverts.
water changes and test regular. don't fix if not broke. I made many plumbing changes best fit 1/2" pvc made tank plumbing (less noticeable) choose your fish carefully. Don't rush anything (be pateint)
Fish Kept:
Ive had lions, butterfly's, pj cards, mollies, damsels (all breeds).
hard and soft candy, polopy's (all)
Tank Size:
125 gallons
"It is what it is!"
About Yourself:
Retired Pool guy..wanted to extend m y water knowledge, I paint and sculpt. Pretty keep the dogs, fish, coral and kids running smooth! I like to play poker and draw and read too!