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New Jersey
United States
75 Gallon Oceanic with 20 gallon refugium full of macro algae. 4 inch deep sand bed , skimmer and Lifegard filtration system. 125lbs of live rock. Lots of softies and some stonies. 4 x 65w pc 10000k and actinic 03 plus one 40w 4' 05 actinic
Patience and water changes and then more patience
Fish Kept:
Tangs clowns damsels wrasse cat shark, coral beauty , Cleaner shrimp, coralbanded shrimp, horseshoe crab, strawberry crab, arrow crab, Black nudibranches blue and red hermits, sand sifting star, feather dusters, plus Mexican and norman turbo snails in the reef plus a fish and liverock tank with Royal Gramma, Clown Trigger ,Tomato Clown Snowflake Eel, Fuzzy Dwarf Lion and one very brave blue devil damsel
Shrooms lots and lots plus green stars, xenia , Rock anemoness, yellow polyps plus a bunch of zoos. Bubble coral and candycane. Chaeto and Calurpa
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
23 years of fish keeping, 5 of reef keeping, former lfs employee. Automotive Restorer