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This picture looks better than 39.42% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.03
This picture has been rated : 37 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United Kingdom
4ft 100G Malawi Tank
reasearch your fish. Never always believe your local fish store.. There is never too much filtration. always get the biggest tank that you can buy and always think of the adult size before you buy them.
Fish Kept:
100G Malawi Cichlid
9 x Labidochromis caeruleus
7 xMetriaclima callainos F1
4 xMetriaclima estherae red males and red female.
2 x Metriaclima greshakei females (male died so these are leaving)
2 x Metriaclima lombardoi (just the pair)
6 x Pseudotropheus sp. "Acei"
1 x Pseudotropheus sp. "Elongatus Ornatus"
7 x Pseudotropheus sp. "Kingsizei"
2 xPseudotropheus socolofi (Albino)
3 x C.Moorii
1 x Gibby plec
1 x chocolate plec
55G COmmunity
1 Neon Dwarf gouramis
1 Moonlight gouramis
2 Gold gouramis
2 leopard danio
5 gold danio
14 neon tetra
10 glowlight tetra
1 albino shark
6 platties 4 female 2 male
1 common plec
3 clown loach
7 Buenos Airies tetra
5 peppered corrys
echindorus Paniculatus, Vallisneria spiralis, Vallisneria americana, Red Milfoil.
Slate made as caves and rounded stones.
Tank Size:
100 gallons
Live, Learn, Die
About Yourself:
Female, Mother, Married.