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This picture looks better than 55.92% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.27
This picture has been rated : 175 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
More Info
New York
United States
72 bow front.approx 80 lbs live rock. DIY 20 lg sump with Bio-pellets and GFO reef octo 110 skimmer.reef keeper lite controller/ato.DIY cal reactor. DIY Cree LED`s on dimable ballast. 3 koralia 1400`s on wave maker.
Every day you learn something new.
Keep your hands out of the tank as much as you can.
Fish Kept:
Flame angel, blue damsel,2 percula clowns(mated pair), 2 PJ cardinales, cleaner shrimp.
green star polyps,orange & green ricordea,yellow polyps,toadstool leather,misc shrooms,chili coral,frogspawn, red and green monti caps ,brown plays,misc zoos,green candy canes. scans green dun cans. clam, misc acro`s, super man monti
Tank Size:
72 gallons
Take it slow let it grow..
About Yourself:
I think I may be addicted to my tank...It really feels good after a hard days work to just sit and admire your hard work.