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This picture looks better than 14.37% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.25
This picture has been rated : 12 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
The details of the tank are lost we have had everything for so long. We have two canister filters, river rocks, wood and many fake plants.
It can become a true passion. Have fun enjoy the calm it brings the family.
Fish Kept:
2 silver dollars
4 clown loach
2 snails
4 electric yellow labs
1 golden nugget pleco
1 vampire pleco
3 melanochromis cyneorhabdos
1 platydoras costatus
1 synodontis angelicus
2 metriaclima estherae
plants are not real. I might want to learn how to keep real plants but we haven't yet.
Tank Size:
120 gallons