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United States
28 gallon bow front, 20 high, 24 wide, and 15 at the bow.all glass aquarium 24 inch florescent strip, 30 gallon whisper.
i would use a 30 gallon time heater(that i also have in my tank) and a bubbler system,gang valves (which are also in my tank) hiding decor for the fish, fake plants, gravel or sand which ever you want to put into your tank.
make sure you read up on the information about what kind of fish you want to put into your tank. ask plenty of questions if your not sure on how to do something or not sure if would work. learn about water conditions and acclimating your tank. cycling your tank, water changes, freshly new cycle tanks will get brown algae and how to treat it. and make sure after you do water changes you put in water conditioner and prime.
Fish Kept:
in the 30 gallon there is 8 inch golden dojo loach, 2 juvie yellow labs, and 5 neon tetra dither fish.
in the ten gallon tank: 3 pregnant female guppies and one male guppy, 2 glass cat fish, 3 juli cory catfish, 2 albino cory cat fish.
in the 2 gallon: 18 guppy fry
in the ten gallon a live water onion plant from assorted bulbs.
Tank Size:
30 gallons
in my world people eat butterflies and poop out rainbows