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United States
1. 75 gallon freshwater 2. Oase 600 Biomaster thermal filter 3. QANVEE Aquarium Electric Power Bubble Sponge Filter (for hospital or quarantine tank-when needed) 4. Fluval 3.0 59 watt. 5. Fluval Stratum substrate topped with black decorative rock 6. Co2
Nutrients, light, and understanding the science behind your water conditions in how it affects your plants are the main contributors to how well aquarium plants will thrive. Frequent water changes and testing!! Maintain plants to prevent overgrowth and pay attention to your tank, at a minimum, twice a week.
Fish Kept:
Guppy, Angel Fish, Siamese Algae Eater, Bristle-nose Catfish, Neon Tetra Jumbo, Black Skirt Tetra
Red Tiger lotus / Christmas moss / Anubias nana petite / Red crypt / Enchindorus pointy / Crypt Spiralis / Hygrophila Cordata Red / Ludwigia Triple Red / Hygrophila Salicifolia & Stricta / Ludwigia Repens / Ammania Gracilis / Ludwigia inclanata Rotala Rotundifolia / Mayaca Sellowiniana / Nanjenshan Rotala / Myriophyllum matogrossense
Tank Size:
75 gallons
About Yourself:
1st year 2022 having a live plant aquarium. Have had fish basically my whole life. 43yrs old, retired SafetyManager at a steel mill. Two daughters 9&5 and a wonderful, patient, loving and beautiful wife!