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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
Custom made tank to fit on an existing oak table I had.
Tank size: 53.5 US gallons (1200x375x450)
75kg of ocean rock, black fine gravel and filtered by a Fluval 305.
Gets a weekly 50% water change.
Just try to keep learning all the time... you'll never know everything!
Fish Kept:
Currently contains:
3 Cynotilapia Afra "Yellow Dorsal" [1M/2F]
5 Labidochromis Caeruleus "Yellow Labs" [1M/3F]
4 Labidochromis Hongi "Red Top" [1M/3F]
5 Melanochromis Joanjohnsonae "Exasperatus" [2M/3F]
6 Psuedotropheus Demasoni [?]
3 Psuedotropheus Kingsizei [1M/2F]
4 Psuedotropheus Msobo "Magunga" [1M/3F] (Wild)
but will soon have a change around and it will be home to just 3/4 species:
15-20 Melanochromis Dialeptus (only about 1-2" at moment.. will keep 3 males and remove excess)
25-30 Psuedotropheus Demasoni (24 are only 1-2" and as they mature will remove excess males)
4 Psuedotropheus Msobo "Magunga" [1M/3F] (Wild)
+ I have 7 Msobo "Magunga" Juvi's (will add one male and as many females I get from them)
also 4 Psuedotropheus Polit "Lions Cove" Juvi's I may add at some point. (hope to get a pair or trio from them)
Also have 5 other Malawi tanks with loads of species of Mbuna, Haps and Peacocks
No plants currently in the set-up
Tank Size:
53 gallons
About Yourself:
Started about 2-3 years ago with a small 180 litre bow front tank and now have 6 including a 143 gallon Hap & Peacock Show tank.