Photo #1 - My Tank Is A 90 Gallon Reef Tank. A 2 Bulb T 5 A...

90 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - My tank is a 90 Gallon Reef Tank. A 2 bulb T 5 and a 48 inch LED Edge. 20/25 gallon sump with refug ium and Eshopps skimmer. There are three power heads in the tank. 2 450 gph hydors and one wave maker 1350gph There are six fish in the tank: 2 Clowns Leopard Wrasse Blue Hippo Tang Tomani Tang Watchman Goby Several shrimp including a fire, few cleaners and a few peppermint along with a black long spine urchin and snails. 2 Anenomes (Rose Bulb and Condi) Over 10 corals.
Submitted By: Michael on
Photo Caption: My tank is a 90 Gallon Reef Tank. A 2 bulb T 5 and a 48 inch LED Edge. 20/25 gallon sump with refug ium and Eshopps skimmer. There are three power heads in the tank. 2 450 gph hydors and one wave maker 1350gph There are six fish in the tank: 2 Clowns Leopard Wrasse Blue Hippo Tang Tomani Tang Watchman Goby Several shrimp including a fire, few cleaners and a few peppermint along with a black long spine urchin and snails. 2 Anenomes (Rose Bulb and Condi) Over 10 corals.
90 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - My tank is a 90 Gallon Reef Tank. A 2 bulb T 5 and a 48 inch LED Edge. 20/25 gallon sump with refug ium and Eshopps skimmer. There are three power heads in the tank. 2 450 gph hydors and one wave maker 1350gph There are six fish in the tank: 2 Clowns Leopard Wrasse Blue Hippo Tang Tomani Tang Watchman Goby Several shrimp including a fire, few cleaners and a few peppermint along with a black long spine urchin and snails. 2 Anenomes (Rose Bulb and Condi) Over 10 corals.

Rank Info

Ranked #755 out of 1595 reef tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 52.66% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.22
This picture has been rated : 376 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91

More Info

State: Massachusetts
Country: United States
Description: My tank is a 90 Gallon Reef Tank. A 2 bulb T 5 and a 48 inch LED Edge. 20/25 gallon sump with refug ium and Eshopps skimmer. There are three power heads in the tank. 2 450 gph hydors and one wave maker 1350gph There are six fish in the tank: 2 Clowns Leopard Wrasse Blue Hippo Tang Tomani Tang Watchman Goby Several shrimp including a fire, few cleaners and a few peppermint along with a black long spine urchin and snails.
Advice: Patience
Fish Kept: Blue & Yellow Hippo Tang, Bristletooth Tomini Tang, Diamond Watchman Goby, Clarkii Clownfish
Corals/Plants: 2 Anenomes (Rose Bulb and Condi) Over 10 corals.
Tank Size: 90 gallons


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