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by blueshoes2208

well.......... i havent put alot of thought into whether its true or not, i just believe that the whole world is going to go into mass panic and who knows, maybe the end of the world could be our own fault for reacting to it........ anyways....... december 21, 2012 , so my tank will be....... that is if i left it going.... 4 years and like a few months old

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by Peterkarig3210

2012???? I've allways thought I'd do better with the world in a panic, widespread starvation, brutal rapes and murders, no water, etc....

I'm gona have to leave my fishies and get the back pack on. Get some guns, some ammo, and whatever else can be used for trade, and move at night.

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by puffedupseagull


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by Snowboss4492

LMAO - -i have a theory about 2012 too.............hehehehe

did it ever occur to anyone that when the Myan dude was sitting in his candle lit office next to his fish tank squinting at his tablets as he hammered out the calender that when he got to 5 thousand two hundred plus years he just said ...............................................

"fuck it, that's surely enough for now"




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by fihsboy

lmao yeah its crossed my mind. :) Its just crazy how accurate there calendar is. I guess its just the next Y2K thing. But it gives us something to talk about nontheless. Its probably just a hoax........but all im saying doing anything I really want to before then, because you never know.

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by gdeeber

I'll put my two cents into this debate over government and world ending shit. First off each and every government official has a term limit, its called elections. I don't blame anyone other than the people for the mess we are in. We keep electing the same dumbass people and they keep doing the same dumbass things. I think that is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. As far as companies and government bailouts, I do not support them but our economy could not handle a recession and major banks, insurance, automobile manufactures failing at once. If you think our unemployment numbers are high now what do you think they would be if AIG, Bank of America, GM, and Chrysler all failed (think the Great Depression which had 33% unemployment). As far as 2012, it makes for good entertainment. I no more believe the end of the world will come because a ancient calendar systems ends then I do in UFO, year 2000 or the boogey man.

P.S. Snowboss I agree with you about reworking mortgages for people who can show they can make things work if they just got a break for a year or more.

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by fihsboy

Well the only thing is.......I cant control or vote for someone in michigan......or virgina. Maybe they think electing people over and over again is a smart idea....and if the person they are voting for is the only republican in the area voting........and they are a mostly republican voting area......obviously the guy is just going to run for re-election. Thats the reason I think there should be term limits. That being said, I think the upcoming election of senators will be an interesting one. America is PISSED and I think people will take action this year.

As far as UFO's I dont believe them either. BUT, I do NOT believe we are the only planet with life on it in the universe.... Current estimates of number of planets in our universe is around 320 sextillion cant tell me that one of them doesnt have life.....Thats if you are conservative with your numbers and assum that each star only has 3 planets. Because there are 10000000000000000000000 stars estimated in the universe. Thats 10^21. I took astronomy for two years....and just last year they found a planet about that has almost the exact elements that earth does, and its around the same distance from there (sun). Pretty sweet. Being its so far away could have already blown up and we would have no idea.

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by Snowboss4492

very interesting takes on all this - - -i revert back to a post from a couple years ago where someone suggested we get fishtanks for our if we can talk respectfully and rationally about just about anything ..................well the common denominator is fish...............hmmmmm am i on to something here???

good words GDEEBER i like the thoughts and agree


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by Peterkarig3210

I believe we are not only fish tank keepers, but fish in tanks called planets, kept by highly evolved beings with withering sex drive.

They need to keep messing around with the gene pools on these habitable planets, interbreeding, etc, to keep their small in-bred gene pools from self destructing.

We are breeding experiments, or in a sence, aquarium fish, kept by the overloards who rule the universe to propagate their agenda of intergalactic empire.

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by gdeeber

Let me guess, you are a big World of Warcraft player? It wasn't the reference to intergalactic empire or overlord that tipped me off. It was the “withering sex drive” comment. Not a lot of geeks getting nooky unless your name is Bill Gates. Go figure.


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