Anyone out there own any of these?
My girlfriend being the lovely woman she is sensed my longing for a larger tank, for myself and my Dwarf Puffer. Maybe it had something to do with me constantly bringing it up and price checking online. lol Given the space we have in this apartment about the biggest we could swing is a 30gal hex shape, which MUCH to my surprise was sitting in front of the door when I got home from work this morning. Happy birthday to me. =D
I have no experience with canister filters whatsoever...Given my taste in substrate I think a UGF is pretty much out of the question.
I was thinking of going with the Filstar XP1 (250gph) which as I understand has an adjustable flow rate and venturi. Does anyone think this would be inadequate? I think Zambize was running two Marineland 150 HOB's (300gph) in her 29. I'm just not sure if I should go for Filstar 1 or 2 or something else completely. I've heard they're really good filters.
Also would the type of system for water return be practical in this shape of a tank? It's really freakin' tall. I really wanted a long tank but our apartment is so cramped I'm going to have to completely re-arrange the damn living room just to find a spot for this not-so-wide hex. Gonna be like a 10 hour process. -.- And then the pain and anguish of waiting a couple weeks for cycle...ARGH I'm so impatient and excited and, well. You know the feeling. lol
For substrate, I'm thinking of going with a Flourite base of 1-2" topped with eco complete, maybe a little over 1" and finally topped with Tahitian moon sand (the black stuff), though the sand depends upon what exactly I think of Eco Complete aesthetically as I've never seen it in person.
I re-did my gf's 10 gallon awhile back with the moon sand, and I love it.
Here's a photo:
As always, thanks in advance.
Edit: I should also note that its extremely (i'd underline if I could) crucial that if this filter fails or turns off that no water leaks out of it. I think I'd heard somewhere this can happen with canister filters and...being the noob I am I'm not familiar with the technological term that indicates the filter is "fail-safe". Anyone know what term I'm looking for or if the Filstar has it?
Rena Filstar XP*
14 posts • Page 1 of 2
Peterkarig3210 - Posts: 1980
- Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:04 am
Tmercier834747 - Posts: 887
- Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:33 pm
Hmm so how exactly is the venturi set up? Is there a valve that comes from the actual filter unit or does it come from the intake/return pipes toward the top of the tank? If its from the filter itself I wonder if it would help to elevate the filter on a box or something.
This new aquarium came with a stand and cabinet which is the only reason I'm considering canister filtration. As far as I understand they can handle more volume easier, generally make less noise, need less maintenance, and well in this situation the greater majority of the filtration can be hidden completely.
I might consider something else if the venturi as you say doesn't really work. If the filter itself has to be elevated over the top of the aquarium then it'd kind've defeat the purpose of incognito filtration. lol It'd be real nice if I could get it to work as I do want additional oxygenation especially in a tank that is over 2' tall and 18" wide. The little fellars on bottom would be starving for air methinks, and well I don't really want to pay extra for integrated features that don't work. Kinda really eliminates the purpose of convenience if I have to modify an integrated part just to stop it from working completely. -.-
Also what are my other choices for bio-material? I've seen someone mention something called bio-balls, I'm guessing by the look of them they're kinda spendy.
I'll probbably be getting the XP2 today. I can appreciate the price of the XP3 but I think the XP2 would be a bit more fitting for what I have.
The only reason water leakage is so utterly crucial is because I live above 2 neighbors (3rd floor). I don't think they'd appreciate it if my filter just decided to release all the water in the tank if the power went out while I was away..
Oh and one other thing...
Anyone have any fish recommendations for this type of aquarium? I'm guessing its really not ideal for most types of fish as it would require more up/down swimming than side/side. As of right now my only plans for stocking it are 5-6 Dwarf Puffers-after it completely cycles of course. =P
As always thanks for your advice PK.
I picked up the filstar 1 today (Petsmart was out of Filstar 2's which were nearly $200). I hit a pretty big snag. The filter box (fully disassembled) is nearly an 8" cube. The opening of my aquarium stand cabinet door is roughly 6". DOH! The only way I can get it in there is by removing the back panels of the stand which are oak and have about 40 machine staples in them. Being hexagonal, the panels are also glued together. The easiest of my problems before that was acknowleding the fact that there was nowhere for the hoses/electrical to go out of the back of the cabinet which I could've easily fixed with a drill and a 1" bit on the end of it. I'm not to keen on trying to completely remove these back panels. I'm either gonna have to find some way to hide the Filstar, check out the Eheims, or go with a freaking HOB anyway. :(
I guess I could drill a hole and use a jigsaw to cut out an opening in the back but I think this may possibly cause the stand to become unstable with over 300lbs sitting on it. UGH. Why must everything be difficult. lol
This new aquarium came with a stand and cabinet which is the only reason I'm considering canister filtration. As far as I understand they can handle more volume easier, generally make less noise, need less maintenance, and well in this situation the greater majority of the filtration can be hidden completely.
I might consider something else if the venturi as you say doesn't really work. If the filter itself has to be elevated over the top of the aquarium then it'd kind've defeat the purpose of incognito filtration. lol It'd be real nice if I could get it to work as I do want additional oxygenation especially in a tank that is over 2' tall and 18" wide. The little fellars on bottom would be starving for air methinks, and well I don't really want to pay extra for integrated features that don't work. Kinda really eliminates the purpose of convenience if I have to modify an integrated part just to stop it from working completely. -.-
Also what are my other choices for bio-material? I've seen someone mention something called bio-balls, I'm guessing by the look of them they're kinda spendy.
I'll probbably be getting the XP2 today. I can appreciate the price of the XP3 but I think the XP2 would be a bit more fitting for what I have.
The only reason water leakage is so utterly crucial is because I live above 2 neighbors (3rd floor). I don't think they'd appreciate it if my filter just decided to release all the water in the tank if the power went out while I was away..
Oh and one other thing...
Anyone have any fish recommendations for this type of aquarium? I'm guessing its really not ideal for most types of fish as it would require more up/down swimming than side/side. As of right now my only plans for stocking it are 5-6 Dwarf Puffers-after it completely cycles of course. =P
As always thanks for your advice PK.
I picked up the filstar 1 today (Petsmart was out of Filstar 2's which were nearly $200). I hit a pretty big snag. The filter box (fully disassembled) is nearly an 8" cube. The opening of my aquarium stand cabinet door is roughly 6". DOH! The only way I can get it in there is by removing the back panels of the stand which are oak and have about 40 machine staples in them. Being hexagonal, the panels are also glued together. The easiest of my problems before that was acknowleding the fact that there was nowhere for the hoses/electrical to go out of the back of the cabinet which I could've easily fixed with a drill and a 1" bit on the end of it. I'm not to keen on trying to completely remove these back panels. I'm either gonna have to find some way to hide the Filstar, check out the Eheims, or go with a freaking HOB anyway. :(
I guess I could drill a hole and use a jigsaw to cut out an opening in the back but I think this may possibly cause the stand to become unstable with over 300lbs sitting on it. UGH. Why must everything be difficult. lol
Tmercier834747 - Posts: 887
- Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:33 pm the water supposed to drain directly INTO the filter while priming or just stay in the hose? The directionsa ren't clear... AHH. It's going into the filter but the directions make it sound like it should stop once the hose itself is filled....
Peterkarig3210 - Posts: 1980
- Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:04 am
Tmercier834747 - Posts: 887
- Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:33 pm
I guess I'll try using the spraybar before I start stocking fish. I like the jet spray cause its really minimalistic. i'll actually ahve to caddy corner the spray bar believe it or not because of the odd shape of this damn tank. Stupid apartment. lol
During the priming the filter filled completely before the hose began to fill. I guess this isn't terrible but after it ran for awhile I opened the quick release and the pressure sprayed water all over the wall. Hopefully that was just built up air or something, which is what I was trying to get out of the filter.
I ended up placing the filter just beside the tank and got the hoses all trimmed up right and stuff.
After using the last of my flourite from my first two tanks as a 1/4" base last night, I came home this morning and my tank is CRYSTAL clear. Very impressive. I figure if I layer the existing flourite with 1.5-2" of black flourite and another 2-3" of black flourite sand I should be safe from the old flourite surfacing unless I get some heavy duty burrowers/rooters.
Brandon, if you happen to see this post do you think I'd be safe with some gourami's in this tank wih the puffers? Possibly even rainbowfish? I'm looking to get some larger varieties that won't conflict with puffers. Cichlids are out of the question due to the nature of the tank's shape. As are most/all fish that get to be over 6".
Btw thanks for your dedicated answers dude. I'm about to freaking paypal you $15 for a USB keyboard. I can't imagine having to hyphen every freaking word. O.o
During the priming the filter filled completely before the hose began to fill. I guess this isn't terrible but after it ran for awhile I opened the quick release and the pressure sprayed water all over the wall. Hopefully that was just built up air or something, which is what I was trying to get out of the filter.
I ended up placing the filter just beside the tank and got the hoses all trimmed up right and stuff.
After using the last of my flourite from my first two tanks as a 1/4" base last night, I came home this morning and my tank is CRYSTAL clear. Very impressive. I figure if I layer the existing flourite with 1.5-2" of black flourite and another 2-3" of black flourite sand I should be safe from the old flourite surfacing unless I get some heavy duty burrowers/rooters.
Brandon, if you happen to see this post do you think I'd be safe with some gourami's in this tank wih the puffers? Possibly even rainbowfish? I'm looking to get some larger varieties that won't conflict with puffers. Cichlids are out of the question due to the nature of the tank's shape. As are most/all fish that get to be over 6".
Btw thanks for your dedicated answers dude. I'm about to freaking paypal you $15 for a USB keyboard. I can't imagine having to hyphen every freaking word. O.o
Peterkarig3210 - Posts: 1980
- Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:04 am
Peterkarig3210 - Posts: 1980
- Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:04 am
Tmercier834747 - Posts: 887
- Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:33 pm
The filter actually filled after the lid was latched while I was priming it by pouring water into the funnel at the 'crest' of the intake hose. Seems to be working fine, perhaps there's small variations in the priming of XP1-XP3. Yeah I finally discovered the little 'cap' on the venturi today, I think it'd probly even be possible to get one of those little adapters to fit on the end of airline hose with a little sponge to catch crap in air, seems kinda useless on such a micro scale but I guess someone thought it was a good idea. The tubes supplied with my aquaclear powerhead and the hydor ario aerator both have the little caps with ''air filter'' sponges, and adjustable air intake.
Peterkarig3210 - Posts: 1980
- Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:04 am