I have recently upgraded from a 10 gallon to 15 gallon, with two black moors and a plycostomus. I just noticed today, the day after transfer of my fish, that one of the black moors has a tear on one of his bigger fins that is about a half an inch long. It must have just happened, because i watch them a lot, and havent noticed this tear. at the base of the tear there is a bit of white, so i am thinking fin rot?
But, like i said this must have happened quickly, and i thought fin rot was progressive...
or, i am thinking it could have been from his transfer. I am just worried about medicating the tank because it is heavily planted, and i have medicated this fish before, and do not want him to resist the antibiotics.
any thoughts?
thanks to all :)
Possible Fin Rot?? help please
13 posts • Page 1 of 2
stingraysrule - Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:37 pm
You could just watch it and see if it gets worse, or you can set up your 10G as a hospital tank and mendicate the fish in there, sparing your plants the medication. I would not worry about treating the fish too much, and not having the antibiotics work.
gretchup - Posts: 7
- Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:43 am
Yeah i was considering setting up the 10 gal as a hospital. I will keep an eye on him. Also, another question, do fins heal themselves? i've seen old fish with really frayed fins and i am wondering if those are left-behind wounds.
tekneb - Posts: 211
- Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:45 am
If your really worried about it, API sells a product called "Melafix". It's basically tea tree oil and aloe, so it won't harm your plants, and it works great. When I first bought my rosy barbs they both had fin rot, so I used the Melafix. Turned out that one barb was actually of the long tail variety, and his fin rot was so bad that I mistook him for a normal one at the pet store, and he made a full recovery.
gretchup - Posts: 7
- Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:43 am
ill check that stuff out. i wonder if pure tea tree oil would do the trick? because i have that. He seems to be healing though. The white at the end of the cut seems to betting longer, and closing the cut so to speak. Im keeping a good eye on him and he is acting normal, so i think he just got cut by something as opposed to fin rot. im glad to hear that his fins will heal, because he has one of the most beautiful fan tails i have seen on a black moor.
thanks everyone :)
thanks everyone :)
christofrontosa - Posts: 42
- Joined: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:41 pm
the melafix can be used in combination with pimafix. great stuff and totally safe for plants. it just smells like you smoked a bunch of djarms.
dream2reef - Posts: 521
- Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:19 am
Thanks for the info I use stresscoat alot. I actually have a black moore now and he got finrot bad from stress of 2 pregnant guppies. I used that stuff and within 3 days I seen almost full regrowth hes not still got a small tear but hes almost there. I'll have to try out the melafix also.
stingraysrule - Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:37 pm
the fish in your tank looks wayyyyyyyy too big for that tank. I would think about maybe upgrading him to a bigger tank. Looks to me like you have a goldfish in a bowl, and I would say that might be the reason you keep having to use stresscoat. Stop buying the stresscoat and put your money into a bigger tank. I'd also remove some of those rocks so he has a bit more swimming room.
stingraysrule - Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:37 pm
Yes, I was talking to dreamtoreef.
Remove the rocks and give that fish a bit more swimming room...... better yet, remove the fish and
bring it back to where you got it, or buy a bigger tank. I hope you are doing frequent water changes.
I have a stingray in an 80G. I do water changes every day, to every other day because he should be in a 100G.
Remove the rocks and give that fish a bit more swimming room...... better yet, remove the fish and
bring it back to where you got it, or buy a bigger tank. I hope you are doing frequent water changes.
I have a stingray in an 80G. I do water changes every day, to every other day because he should be in a 100G.