Mantis Shrimp

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Mantis Shrimp

by breaknrun911

hey guys. havent been on in a while just got back from my honeymoon. well......i get back and my brother who was taking care of my tank decided to get me some live rock., but not cured in anyway. and go a behold there is a mantis shrimp inside one of the rocks. i managed to get him out of the rock and quarantine him for the time being. he is about and inch and a half long. what should i do with him. i dont want him back in my tank and risk losing livestock in the future. god only knows if i will be able to catch him if i let him loose. should i dispose of him or what????

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by Snowboss4492

i would set up another tank for him - - -although extremely dangerous creatures they sure are beautiful - - -i would suggest a small acylic tank so he doesnt break the glass

ill pay the shipping if you wanna send him to the Boss...hehehe

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by saltwaterpimp

I agree with boss, What color is the shrimp ? some are worth money. I love mantis shrimp send him to me =)... also let your brother know if he does some shit like that again your going to kick some ass...

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by fihsboy

+1 on the ass kicking part

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by breaknrun911

LOL i already ripped him a new one. yet he did hook me up on some rock at 9.99 per lb so i cant get too mad but he needs to check first. the mantis is like a dark pink but not red. he is beginnning to get color around his head mouth and claws. unsure of what those will actually be. ill let you all know what i decide. have to set up a tank if i decide to do that. i have him in a 10gal now. i dont think he can break that glass........yet

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by jweb

9.99/lb? thats insanely expensive. I paid $1.50/lb for my premium super purp live rock haha. anyways, mantis shrimp are actually highly intelligent little creatures and they have the best vision in the known animal world. they can see infrared and many other wavelengths of light, and also like 10 million or so colors. they can also be trained to become more docile and will allow petting and holding. i forget all the facts, but anyways it would be a shame to dispose of such an amazing creature. do you know if he is a spearer or a thumper? also in asia they eat them like lobster....... one man's pest is another's pet is another food.

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by breaknrun911

yea live rock is crazy. they charge that much b/c they are the only saltwater lfs in a 15 mi radius. he is def a thumper aka smasher. you can actually hear the clicks from his claws even tho he is so small. and when he does thump/smash you can see tiny bubbles from where his claws make impact. ill try to take a pick and upload. his only 1.5 inches so it may not happen

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by jweb

wow that is nuts for live rock. i would tell that guy he needs to cut you a break if you are a regular customer. you could probably buy it online for cheaper, and im sure it would be better than what he's got.
yeah the bubbles appear because they are smashing through the water so fast that the speed of impact actually vaporizes a tiny amount of water. oh and i should have said that they can see on many different "spectrums".

Posts: 146
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by breaknrun911 you pay 1.50 from your lfs for your live rock? or is it a website? gan you give me the link?

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by puffedupseagull

Stop ur winging about live rock hey.
$15.00 per KG

so 2.2lb is 1 kilo
so 2.2lb = $3.30 us for PLR
so 2.2lb = $15.50au for PLR in australia

Mantis Shrimp

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