pH...too low?

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pH...too low?

by tinadno

Hey so I'm fairly new to saltwater. I've had freshwater tanks all my life and now I'm ready to graduate to saltwater. Basically my 37 gallon tank has been cycling for about a month and a half. My readings are:

Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 10 ppm
Salinity: 1.025
pH: 7.8

I'm concerned about my pH not being high enough for any fish to survive. I've tried adding seachem buffer but the pH hasn't moved. I really don't like adding chemicals to mess with pH if I don't have too bc I'd rather have a stable pH than one that flucuates. Any advice? My substrate is crushed coral. The tank will be FOWLR

pH...too low?

1 post