Can I use rocks from the beach in my freshwater aquarium
5 posts
envyme213 - Posts: 3
- Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:19 pm
Can I use rocks from the beach in my freshwater aquarium
I found a ton of cool rocks at the beach and I'm wondering of ther are any harmful affects on my fish?
Alasse - Posts: 993
- Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 5:35 am
- Location: QLD Australia
You rinsed them i assume, gave em a bit of a scrub?
They at the worst will harden your water and raise your PH, just keep an eye on it by testing :)
They at the worst will harden your water and raise your PH, just keep an eye on it by testing :)
Okiimiru - Posts: 275
- Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:19 pm
I agree. As long as you cleaned them beforehand, they're fine. I usually boil whatever I collect, and if it's too big to boil I let it thoroughly dry. I once tried to clean this massive piece of driftwood with soap, but then the wood absorbed the soap and it took Forever to get the soap out, so I don't recommend that. Soap can hurt fish probably more than whatever was in the wood, so it was a bad decision.
That doesn't look like a limestone rock or something that would raise your pH. It looks like a cement conglomorate rock. But if you really want to know, test the pH of your tap water and the pH of your tank water. If they're different you'll know something in the tank is changing the pH slowly over time. But these slow changes over time are usually handled very well by the fish. The only danger is if you did a large percentage water change; the fish would have to adjust to your tap water just like they had to adjust to new water when you first took them home from the pet store. Adjusting is why most people recommend small (30% or less) water changes weekly instead of a large (70% and up) water change every two weeks.
That doesn't look like a limestone rock or something that would raise your pH. It looks like a cement conglomorate rock. But if you really want to know, test the pH of your tap water and the pH of your tank water. If they're different you'll know something in the tank is changing the pH slowly over time. But these slow changes over time are usually handled very well by the fish. The only danger is if you did a large percentage water change; the fish would have to adjust to your tap water just like they had to adjust to new water when you first took them home from the pet store. Adjusting is why most people recommend small (30% or less) water changes weekly instead of a large (70% and up) water change every two weeks.
Alasse - Posts: 993
- Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 5:35 am
- Location: QLD Australia
If its got corals on it or coral based it will raise your PH :) I agree testing water will soon tell you if its changing things
envyme213 - Posts: 3
- Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:19 pm
I used a wire brush to scrub all the sand outta the rocks then I let them sit in a spare tank for a few days. When they were added to my large tank I waited a day or so before testing and my ph was unchanged so I think I'm in the clear. I've got tons of fish in there now and they all seem to be happy!