About a week ago, i moved my 30 gallon inhabitants to a new 55 gallon. I've moved fish several times before with zero losses, so i know that casualties aren't a necessary part of moving fish. The stats of the new tank are:
nitrate: 20
nitrite: 0
ammonia: 0
ph: 7.6
The ph is a little higher in this new tank, in the old tank it was about 7.2, but they were gradually acclimated to the new water over a period of about 30-45 mins. There were some temp fluctuations right at the beginning. I forgot to plug in one of the heaters and the water temp was about 68 F. When i did plug it in, it was set a bit high and the temp rose to about 82 F. That is quite a drastic change, but it would have been very gradual. I've already lost five fish, and another is on its way out. This is more fish than i've lost in the past three years combined! Any thoughts? I'm kinda freaked out.
Losing fish
12 posts • Page 1 of 2
Alasse - Posts: 993
- Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 5:35 am
- Location: QLD Australia
Those tank stats look ok. I'd do another test round just to be sure.
Maybe the temp thing weakened them somewhat? Gradual or not that is quite a swing.
Sorry for your losses regardless :(
Maybe the temp thing weakened them somewhat? Gradual or not that is quite a swing.
Sorry for your losses regardless :(
natalie265 - Site Admin
- Posts: 746
- Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:48 pm
I've already tested twice. I'm going to test again using the liquid test kit and see how that looks. Maybe it was a combination of the temp swing, the ph change and just the stress of the move in general. I bought the tank used, and i did rinse it out first, but i'm worried that there could have been something in the tank itself. But i hope that isn't the case.
Alasse - Posts: 993
- Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 5:35 am
- Location: QLD Australia
Fingers crossed it all works out Nat....nothing worse than mass deaths, then the trying to figure out what went wrong
dream2reef - Posts: 521
- Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:19 am
Yea I go with the temp swings I've known fish to die with only a 3 or 4 degree difference if introduced to early or late.
yasherkoach - Posts: 1306
- Joined: Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:24 pm
drastic temperature changes will ultimately result in fish death
next time, you should gradually raise the temperature to 82...trial & error is a must in this hobby
you will find two main causes for fish death: drastic changes in chemicals (yes, drastic temperature is a chemical change) and over-feeding (again, chemicals like ammonia will rise)
next time, you should gradually raise the temperature to 82...trial & error is a must in this hobby
you will find two main causes for fish death: drastic changes in chemicals (yes, drastic temperature is a chemical change) and over-feeding (again, chemicals like ammonia will rise)
natalie265 - Site Admin
- Posts: 746
- Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:48 pm
Not good. I've lost about another three since i first posted this. For some reason the ph has climbed to about 8.2. Why would that be? a) Hard water deposits that were in the tank slowly dissolving into the water? b) The small amount of gravel that was left in the tank that i just mixed in with my ecocomplete instead of carefully removing it? Just when i start to get smug about something ("i never lose fish"), something inevitably humbles me. Thanks for asking though.
Alasse - Posts: 993
- Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 5:35 am
- Location: QLD Australia
I've never had the deposit raise the Ph, but doesnt meant it couldnt happen i spose
Sorry about the loss of your fish, its a heartbreaking thing!
Sorry about the loss of your fish, its a heartbreaking thing!
dream2reef - Posts: 521
- Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:19 am
Yea I can't stand losing fish. Especially after alllll the google searches. I wish I could help you out. Are there anything else new you added or anything else out of the ordinary? I know that you are nowhere new to this hobby but is there anything you could have missed. There are many variables here, as you know, but something has changed....