can i give my fish peas

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can i give my fish peas

by lilcrum98

can i give my small fish like guppies peas

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by Kingys_dog

yeah see earlier post disscussed it

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by yasherkoach

just slip it out of its shell...give only the pulp will gobble it down

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by dream2reef

huh that's odd didn't know that. I thought peas had copper in them you'd think it would be bad for them but I'm sure not enough to do harm. prolly good copper?

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by yasherkoach

yes there is copper in peas, but it is such a small amount it will not affect the fish

copper can affect invertebrates (snails), but because it is such a low dose per pea, it is very safe to feed fish peas...actually, it is the only vegetable to clean out digestive systems that most if not all fish will accept quite easily

it is absolute foolishness to believe copper will harm fish...I've fed peas for over 2 years, I have snails (over 100), frogs and of course plenty fish, never a problem...if anything, peas provided preventive care in case of swim bladder

funny thing is, most people wouldn't mind placing chemicals into the main tank to help cure disease, etc (hopefully the charcoal is out of the filter) which contain untold amounts of copper, yet to feed your fish about 20 peas (pulp), two days a week (or 40 peas/pulp) may make one ill at ease because of the very little copper content in a pea, just shows your argument dream2reef, no offense pal, fails

peas/pulp is nutrient value, preventive care and dang, fish love peas/pulp

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by stormer0719


man, the guy didnt even have an argument.... i read it like he was asking a question.... try reading his post again with that in mind......

can i give my fish peas

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