So, I have a recently vacant 10 gal, and in about a month or so i may be setting it up again with some fish that i know wont outgrow it. BUT, after all my research about compatibility, i have gotten a headache, and would like some suggestions from you, more experienced than i, folk.
I know i want a small school of neons, 8 or so. What are other, really colourful fish, that possibly school, would get along with my neons, and still be happy in a 10gal with the neons? I want it to be as full a tank as possible, without overcrowding, so that it can be really colourful.
any suggestions?
thanks to all :)
Would love some Suggestions for fish
9 posts
gretchup - Posts: 7
- Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:43 am
UPDATE: been thinking that having one male betta in there with a school of neons would work.... what does everyone think? all the compatibility charts say the betta wont kill my neons :)
christofrontosa - Posts: 42
- Joined: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:41 pm
i keep a betta with neons and no problems but i would say just do about 15 neons with black rock and a black background, those fish would pop!
breaknrun911 - Posts: 146
- Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:20 am
i work at my LFS on sat and a betta wont kill your neons. yet, neons are very picky about their water ph, hardness etc. so if you were to home them with other fish it may be difficult to keep both alive. with a tank that small i would just have a tank of a betta and a nice shool of cardinals and neons. betta arent very demanding with water quality due to them being bred in puddles. yes i said it puddles. and when you do first buy your neons they play oppossum. so dont freak out. you might be able to do away with any type of mollies or guppies. hope this helps. but anything with vibrant tails or colors is considered the enemy to a betta. RULE OF THUMB-its and inch per gallon so with a 10gallon tank you can probably get away with 10-12fish.
tekneb - Posts: 211
- Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:45 am
Bettas will only attack other male bettas, or fish that look like other male bettas (anything with a flowing tail, mollies, guppies etc.) so he should be fine with the neons. However, I have heard that starting a tank using neons is exceedingly difficult, because like breaknrun said, "they are very picky about their water ph, hardness, etc."
gretchup - Posts: 7
- Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:43 am
well the tank is already cycled, i moved my goldies from it to a 15 gallon, so there is water and everything still in it. ill research the water chemistry needed for both and see if its possible to find a happy medium for all of them. Thanks everyone for all your advice :)
AbadHabit - Posts: 15
- Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:28 am
Are you going to live plants, fake, both or none? That to could be a deciding factor. Neons and Cherry shrimp would look nifty. Shrimp love hornwart. Mine climb all over in it, climb up to the top and kick back and wait till the food goes by
yasherkoach - Posts: 1306
- Joined: Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:24 pm
Only advice so far: buy ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph tests, keep only 2 fish in the tank, do water changes after each test (if the chemicals read high, do 40% cjange, if low, 10%), do not overfeed, get a filter that works 10 times the amount, therefore, a filter for a 15 gallon tank should run 150 gallon per hour, get a small stick on temperature, get a heater and observe.
Patience. Observation. test. Water change. Observe...and of course, enjoy!
Patience. Observation. test. Water change. Observe...and of course, enjoy!