fish makes me laugh....
5 posts
LUVMUFF9326 - Posts: 119
- Joined: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:00 am
fish makes me laugh....
ive got a 55g chiclid tank which ive recently set up . i put a couple wheel houses in there so they would have places to hide,well ive got 1 chiclid which took all the rocks out from under 1 so to mess with him i put them all back,well this morning after work he was removing the rocks again but this time he picks m up n if any other fish swim past him he spits the rocks at them as if to say stay the he11 off my lawn,just reminds me of old man but watchin this cracks me up,kinda wanna put the rocks back cuz its funny but dont wanna stress him out,any other funny fish stories to share?
prdoring - Posts: 51
- Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:48 am
I have a balloon molly, and i can honestly say this fish is an idiot. His actions, are only exemplified by his body shape, and the left fin, right fin way of swimming that molly's have. When feeding time comes, he will snag some food, then he gets distracted. He will eat a bubble, then spit it out, then eat it again, this will go on for about five minutes or so. Every now and then I will find him stuck somewhere, but when I think i will need to move the object, he casually swims out, like he got stuck but was to lazy to deal with it.
LUVMUFF9326 - Posts: 119
- Joined: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:00 am
i did it to him again now he has all the rocks piled in a corner, wish i could upload pics but cant do it with my ps3
mro2you2 - Posts: 625
- Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:37 pm
okey.... My clowfish hates new fish and whenever there is a new one he watches it from above and If it moves he swoops down and scares the livin #### out of them. I would tape it for you but Biocolor blenny died last night. ;(