New Ram Tank
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RamBam - Posts: 12
- Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:00 am
New Ram Tank
Recently I just set up a ram breeding tank. Currently I gots 3 ramz and I'm pretty sure that I have 1 female and 2 males. So I wanted to know when I should remove the extra fish that is lonly and stuff like that. Also some opinions and useful information would be nice.
dizzcat - Posts: 648
- Joined: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:30 am
I have Bolivian Rams, not German ones, but most of the requirements are about the same.
Your profile says they are in a 6 gallon? That is really too small. They should have a 15-20 gallon so that they can have room. A 6 gallon is really too small for a couple full grown Rams. Even if they pair up, they will still need their own territory until they spawn. And your male will pick on the female all the time if she is not ready. I had my first batch of fry grow out in a 5 gallon and when they hit an inch they started fighting for room. Even with just 3 left in there. I put the other 3 in with the folks. If you get a bigger tank, you can get a small school of tetras. The tetras help the Rams feel secure, seeing them swimming out in the open. My Rams are in a 20 gallon with a small group of Rummy nose tetras and Neon's. The tank is divided in half by them. The males side is the right side, and the female stays on the left side until she is interested in spawning, then she hangs with him.
Watch them close, see which male the female favors. You may have a favorite male, but its up to her who she will pair with. Keep the male she favors and take the other one back to the lfs, or find him a new home. If you wait too long then the dominant male will not tolerate the extra male.
As for what they need: they need plants, maybe some drift wood. Mine favor the big sword plants that they can sit under. They also need some flat rocks. A good size is about 3 inches. This is what they will spawn on. I have used a piece of broken terracotta pot that I laid flat, but since I added the flat river stones they much prefer those to spawn on.
What kind of substrate do you have? I began with the regular size (medium) rock you buy at the pet store. They lost a batch of wigglers in it, could not dig the fry out. I have since changed to sand and they love it! They can dig the perfect pits for their fry in sand. My male loves to dig in it all day.
Good luck!
Your profile says they are in a 6 gallon? That is really too small. They should have a 15-20 gallon so that they can have room. A 6 gallon is really too small for a couple full grown Rams. Even if they pair up, they will still need their own territory until they spawn. And your male will pick on the female all the time if she is not ready. I had my first batch of fry grow out in a 5 gallon and when they hit an inch they started fighting for room. Even with just 3 left in there. I put the other 3 in with the folks. If you get a bigger tank, you can get a small school of tetras. The tetras help the Rams feel secure, seeing them swimming out in the open. My Rams are in a 20 gallon with a small group of Rummy nose tetras and Neon's. The tank is divided in half by them. The males side is the right side, and the female stays on the left side until she is interested in spawning, then she hangs with him.
Watch them close, see which male the female favors. You may have a favorite male, but its up to her who she will pair with. Keep the male she favors and take the other one back to the lfs, or find him a new home. If you wait too long then the dominant male will not tolerate the extra male.
As for what they need: they need plants, maybe some drift wood. Mine favor the big sword plants that they can sit under. They also need some flat rocks. A good size is about 3 inches. This is what they will spawn on. I have used a piece of broken terracotta pot that I laid flat, but since I added the flat river stones they much prefer those to spawn on.
What kind of substrate do you have? I began with the regular size (medium) rock you buy at the pet store. They lost a batch of wigglers in it, could not dig the fry out. I have since changed to sand and they love it! They can dig the perfect pits for their fry in sand. My male loves to dig in it all day.
Good luck!
RamBam - Posts: 12
- Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:00 am
Thanks for the needed info! But now I wish I had a bigger tank. :/ But anyways you gave me tons of needed info. Now though I have a new plan. I'm going to wait a year or so, to see what my rams needs are and let them mature a little bit.
Ram Bam
Ram Bam
dizzcat - Posts: 648
- Joined: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:30 am
Mine were only about 6 months old when they first spawned. I have now had them for a year and 7 months, so they are about 2. This last spawn they had was their 6th. How old are they? They will be fully mature at about 6-8 months.
dizzcat - Posts: 648
- Joined: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:30 am
Mine get a high quality flake food. They also love frozen blood worms. I give them a squirt of worms a couple times a week. They do not eat much at all, so be careful you don't over feed OK? They also like the shrimp pellets and sometimes an algae pellet.
Rams do grow pretty slow, so if they are about an inch or an inch and a half they are probably closer to 5-6 months. When I took a batch of fry to the LFS they were about an inch and they were over 3 months old. I have a fry now I am raising that is 2 weeks old and he is still so tiny you need a magnifying glass to see him good :-) So, 1 month they would be about 1/2 inch, 2 months maybe 3/4 of an inch. How big are they?
Rams do grow pretty slow, so if they are about an inch or an inch and a half they are probably closer to 5-6 months. When I took a batch of fry to the LFS they were about an inch and they were over 3 months old. I have a fry now I am raising that is 2 weeks old and he is still so tiny you need a magnifying glass to see him good :-) So, 1 month they would be about 1/2 inch, 2 months maybe 3/4 of an inch. How big are they?
RamBam - Posts: 12
- Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:00 am
I feed my rams tetra color and cichlid gold. The weird thing is that they don't like the pink flakes that much for some reason lol. And there about an inch so there pretty young. And something that suprises me is that they act mature, the rams make a group and play around with each other and their mirror image LOL.
Tmercier834747 - Posts: 887
- Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:33 pm
I just want to double check're keeping 3 GBR's in a 6 gallon tank? Did I read that right? Dude. I know tanks we deem 'worthy' aren't all that cozy to a fish considering what they're used to in the wild...but for me it would be a stretch to put 3 GUPPIES in a 6 gallon tank...
A single GBR should have the breathing room of a 20 gallon tank, and plain jane tanks are pretty cheap to come by. (you could keep 3 in there comfortably with caves and plants/decor to break line of sight, its all about the tanks 'footprint')
My GBR's receive bloodworms and something called tetracolor crisps. I feed them frozen bloodworms as a treat.
A single GBR should have the breathing room of a 20 gallon tank, and plain jane tanks are pretty cheap to come by. (you could keep 3 in there comfortably with caves and plants/decor to break line of sight, its all about the tanks 'footprint')
My GBR's receive bloodworms and something called tetracolor crisps. I feed them frozen bloodworms as a treat.
RamBam - Posts: 12
- Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:00 am
well right now I don't have another empty tank to put them in...but I do have lots of personal and hiding spots for them so they are pretty happy. Also I'm not trying to be mean or whatever but you guys should stick to positive info and opinions like what you guys feed em and what kind of plants and decor you guys have. And plus there are going to be two in the tank in a while.
But anyways thanks for telling me your information ;)
sincerly RamBam
But anyways thanks for telling me your information ;)
sincerly RamBam