Used Tank Retrofit

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Discuss all topics related to saltwater / reef tanks.

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by nicholas542

I was thinking about drilling an overfolw hole in my tank can I do it while the tank is slightly low. Or should I take everything out of the tank and do it empty. Afterall glass dust is pretty much the same thing as sand. I was thinking about draining the tank down like four inches and drilling a hole with a diamond bit.

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by fihsboy

I would take the stuff out.........think of the pressure your putting on the glass with the water in with all that pressure......tap it with a nail...(please dont attempt) thats what you would be doing if you drilled it with water........I have heard it can be done.....I wouldnt try it though. A glass company here in my town said they would drill my tank for me for 20 bucks......its worth it! The drill bit is almost that......AND if they break it.....they have to replace it......not me. :)

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by saltwaterpimp

fishboy is right , and another thing i would call the company (who ever made the tank) find out what panes are tempered..


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by blakeas

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by Snowboss4492

dude !!!! that tank alone is worth 650 bucks....................just be prepared to replace some things if they don't work, for examplepumps and or powerheads, if they weren't cleaned correctly they could be trash, you'll want to replace the pights pretty quickly unless they are less than 3-4 months old.....but crap man, thats a deal as long as it holds water ---even if you have to replace everything except the tank and stand


Used Tank Retrofit

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