How long do you keep your lights on?

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Discuss all topics related to saltwater / reef tanks.

Posts: 424
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:59 pm

by dick_headers

I don't know how big is your tank, but I hope at least 150 G.
Have you ever tried not to feed your corals at all? Weekly frequent water changes should have provide fresh trace elements for them. when you feed your fishes, your corals will enjoy the meal as well.
Yes, I think you are overfeeding. 5-6 krills for a bubble tip? Every day? Try just give em 1 every other day, and don't worry he won't suffer.
It is an old rule, try to feed your fishes at the same spot every day. That way you can see how big is their appetite. Most of us over estimate the amount of food in the first couple of months.
With the livestock you have, I wouldn't go more than 2 cubes a day.
Phytofeast is great to maintance nice pod colonies, because it's sorta' like squashed macroalgaes. Doesn't have a huge effect on corals though.
Corals dig copepods. I hardly ever feed my corals anymore cuz the pods in my tank. They swim and float all over the place, and they just catch them.
anyways... Cut back on feeding, and see what happens. If your fishes start to fight over food definitely feed more, but I don't think they will.
Let us know what's going on.

Posts: 424
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:59 pm

by dick_headers

Oh, and do not worry about feeding your inverts.Their job is claning, cleaning and cleaning. That's why you gave them a great home.. It's sorta like they pay the rent:-)

Posts: 375
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:12 pm

by newbie916

Thanks, my tank is only a 100 gallon with I think a 20 gallon refugium. I ended up putting the brain favia's and one of the toadstools in there. I'll try cutting down the food. I'll also get some pods for my tank.


How long do you keep your lights on?

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