Algae eaters for a 30 gal cichlid tank

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Algae eaters for a 30 gal cichlid tank

by kyle

I have a 30 gal tank with 2 Electric yellow cichclids, 2 Kenyi cichlids, a Pictus cat, and two red eye tetras. They have been in there a little under 2 months. They all seem to get along well, and the water is perfectly clear. Problem is, I have noticed recent algae growth. It looks like a smooth black spotty growth on the rocks and plants.

Anyone have any suggestions? I am considering getting some algae eater fish, but I dont know if they take care of this kind of algae, or which ones would go nicely with my cichlids in a 30 gal tank.

any help appreciated!

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by littlecichlids

i think a plecostomus is wat u need in this tank. it will eat pretty much all types of algea and they get along with cichlids i kno from research and and experience. i have a 28 gallon wit cichlids also and my plecostomus and pictus cat do great. good luck!!!

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by jweb1369

no pleco, get a syndontis maybe nigriviritis or euptus. They do well in cichlid tanks. They are aggressive algae eaters and will chase the cichlids if they give em shit.

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:37 am

by kyle

I think pleco get a bit too big for my tank. The amount of that dark algae has about doubled since i posted this. out of nowhere. weird. I'll kick it up on the water changes, but still want an algae eater or two.

"nigriviritis or euptus" I searched both of those on live aquaria but came up with no results. I dont even know what those are. Beautiful tank btw Jweb.

Algae eaters for a 30 gal cichlid tank

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