FeatherFin Cat fish
3 posts
Paulnaty812969 - Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:05 am
FeatherFin Cat fish
just wondering anyone else has one of these catfish and if they have any problems with it getting picked on by fellow tank mates . my africans smash him but even the gohst knife hates him .
subymanny04 - Posts: 9
- Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:42 pm
i had one and had to give it to my girlfriend. the reason this happens is because african cichlids are very teritorrial and very aggressive fish. if you look at them you will see them chase one another around. your ghost knife fish is a predatory fish which means it eats other fish. it can grow up to 20 inches in length and eat reletively small fish. i had one that was 11 inches that i fed minnows to. anyways the reason the featherfin is getting harassed and picked on is because its a peaceful fish who feeds only on plants, the other two types eat meet therefore will be more agressive towards other fish. make sense?
robert95687 - Posts: 14
- Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:21 am
I have 3 Featherfin Catfish and they are relatively peaceful. Cichlids are very territorial. Give the cats a place to hide ( a tube or tunnel is best) until they can come out at night to feed. They should all have their own hiding places though. I find my Featherfins chase eachother around. I think they make a game of it sometimes because the smallest one (about 2.5 in) chases the larger ones (about 7 in).