What's the smallest , cutest, cat fish avaliable?

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by Peterkarig3210

Thanks again for all the help guys. I'm still thinking about what I want for this tank. It's either going to be some loaches, small catfish, a few cicchlids, or a few diskus.

I need a colorful "showcase" fish. A few tiny (<5 inches full grown) gars would be my first choice but that ain't happening. Halfbeaks draw my attention, but I'm not quite happy with the look.

I used to catch some little fish in the stream by my parents house and they look a bit like a small pleco with a mouth in the front. They live in the rapids and hide under rocks. They don't have an air bladder so they stay on the bottom and their pectoral fins are very developed. My stepmother called them fresh water sculpins and I've found similar fish on the internet called darters I think. These are very cute little fish that hop around the tank and perch on rocks and other features. I found some at a lfs and loved them till an accidental over heating killed them, but since them I haven't seen them.

What's the smallest , cutest, cat fish avaliable?

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