Salt water Tank cycle

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Salt water Tank cycle

by photopro8186246

ok i know the cycle for salt water tank is 6 to 8 weeks but i am runing a 100 gallon canister filter and two 60 galon back filters.
in two weeks my Ph 8.2, amonia is 0, nitrite is 0, alkaline is 2.5 and nitrate is at high 50 low 10. And i did have 3 damsils at my 3 day cycle ( after adding live bacterira tank cycle jumpstarter). Can i add fish know that i whant ( eel, puffer, clown triger fish, lion fish ) and in what order ? I am going to do it one at a time.
Thank you

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by Snowboss4492

have you gone through the brown algae phase yet? you will know when you do, lol....................i wouldn't add much more till you go through that junk, then all i can say is add the hardyest {the clown} which is a damsel.............first then every 4-6 weeks you could choose another provideing your water parameters are stable through out.....every time you hav an issue....get it corrected and wait 2-3 weeks after the correction is done then move forward again...................good luck, Snowboss

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by photopro8186246

I don't know what it is but take a look at my tank picture look at the live rock I got it looks like it has brown color stuff on it lool

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by Snowboss4492

well, im sticking to adding the clown first......................and that is not bad diatom algae will get sorry

are you useing RO water? do you have a skimmer or plan on getting one? you have a nice start, but the eel will be much happier with more rock and structure to slink around in - also, i'm sure your aware of it but you are setting up a pretty aggressive tank....i'm not sure they are all going to be happy tank mates without VERY carful care to hiding places and different areas to call their own....

the trigger is a fast mover and very aggrassive and will hit the lions fins at the least and probaby look at the eel like a piece of spaghetti, the puffer will like the looks of the eel as well...........and although clowns are of the damsel species, he will be on the bottom of the food chain as far as aggresiveness goes and may be picked on

keeping them all very close to the same size is going to be important, and remeber if anything in the tank will fit in the lions mouth will end up there

down the road your gonna want to get snails and hermits to clean............they are puffer food as well...............

there are some very sucessful aggresive tanks out there, they are a lot of work and the people who have them are far more expierienced than i am...............i wish you luck .......................i just hate the thought of one fish having a 50-100 dollar snack at some

I would definately put more money into rock and a skimmer for sure, then carefully rethink your stock load and then go from there


Salt water Tank cycle

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