Bi-Color Blenny ate my Xenia!

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Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:42 pm

Bi-Color Blenny ate my Xenia!

by schigara

I set up a 29g refugium a while back as a secondary refugium to house Xenia for a Nutrient export and put a Bi-Color Blenny in it since it is a display refugium.

I have Silver Elongata and Red Sea Pulsing Xenia. I was just looking at the tank and saw the Blenny rip off 4 polyps from the Elongata then he swam away and 30 seconds later came back and ripped off a few more.

I leave nori on a clip for him twice a day and he also gets #1&2 pellets, cyclops or mysis daily.

I never placed a Bi-Color in my main display because some people say they can be a bit mean and territorial but I never read about them picking at or eating coral.

I have a Starry Blenny and also kept a Midas in my mixed 75G reef and never saw any behavior like this out of them.

I have caught the little bugger and stuck him in the Macro refugium til I can take him into the LFS tomorrow.

Have others experienced this with a Bi-Color Blenny?

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Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:22 am

by saltwaterpimp

that is odd, i have never seen a bicolor blenney atack corals.only other fish and once and a while bite my hand if i got to close to his hideout , but never a coral. that sucks bud cuz they are a very personal fish and very active. good luck

Posts: 468
Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:42 pm

by schigara

Yeah, he was very cool looking but not nearly as personable as the Midas Blenny.

The LFS I bought him from was closed today so I traded him in at my other LFS. The owner asked what the problem was so I told him what the Blenny was doing and he said in the 20years in business, he has seen quite a few of the Bi-Colors doing the same thing.

I think I'll get another Midas for the 29. They stay out and swim in the open most of the day where the Bi-Color tended to stay in his hole and was always afraid of someone near the tank.

Bi-Color Blenny ate my Xenia!

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