WHITE SPOT is 2 weeks long enough without fish FOWLE

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WHITE SPOT is 2 weeks long enough without fish FOWLE

by puffedupseagull

I was wondering if 2 weeks without fish in my marine tank would be long enough for white spot to die off. i have learnt its life cycle and relise it cant live without fish for more than 6-8 hours. would the 2 weeks allowed be enough time for it to complete its hidious cylce.
everyone and anyone

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by tangerine

from my experience,no. better to leave your tank fishless for at least a month.

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by aarontwhitehead

I had ich in my reef tank after moving livestock from one tank to another. I introduced live rock without quarantine (dumb). I simply maintained good husbandry and added a couple of cleaner shrimps and it disappeared after about a week.
Last edited by aarontwhitehead on Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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by tangerine

cleaner shrimps helps but end of the day the fishes have to fight it off themselves. if the fishes are healthy and feeding well,normally they will be able to fight off the ich.
they will succumb if they are in weakened state or in a constsnt stress enviorment.

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by newyorkstylez

Here is an interesting link about saltwater Ich AKA white spot disease that can provide almost all answers concerning this disease. http://www.liveaquaria.com/general/gene ... pagesid=78

WHITE SPOT is 2 weeks long enough without fish FOWLE

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