serpent star vs. brittle star

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serpent star vs. brittle star

by samik

so i am thinking about getting a serpent but im not sure whether a brittle would be better. I just made my sand bed 4-5 inches deep. and would like something to keep the sand bed mixed up. i read the green brittles might catch fish but im not sure. any suggestions....samik

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by saltwaterpimp

they will both work good for detritus. but not for stirring the sand you will need snails, cucummbers,wrass,gobbies.and sand siffting stars.

Posts: 43
Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:08 pm

by samik

thanks for the other ideas already have sleeper goby, snails and sifting star. might look into cucumber

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Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:59 pm

by dick_headers

Brittles grows fast, serpents aren't too bad. Grown brittles does attack fishes, snails, you name it. Serpents aren't as agressive as brittles even at fully grown status.

serpent star vs. brittle star

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