Two filters on one tank?

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Two filters on one tank?

by Zambize4899

I hear of people doing this often. When is it appropriate? How do you know how to size the second filter? Do you get the same as you already have, or do you get a slightly smaller one just to help out with the load? Maybe you should just replace your current filter with one that is larger?

I have a Marineland Bio-Wheel 150gph rated by the manufacturer as good for up to 30 gallons. Since my tank is 28 gallons, I'm assuming that my filter is working as hard as it can and could perhaps use a boost from either a second filter, or just being replaced with a larger filter.

Aside from knowing how to size the second filter, how do you know what kind to get? HOB, internal, corner, under gravel...

And is there a gold standard that those in the know always use? The Whisper filters sound intriguing because my Marineland is kind of noisy, but the Marineland seems like a higher quality filter overall. ?

I love filter talk. :)

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by Serial324556

If your going to upgrade your filter then theres no point in putting 2 filters in IMO. I have a 29 gallon tank and I had the original filter in (20-40). Well my pump got a short in it not sure whats wrong but I went and got a 30-60 whisper power filter and its pretty quiet and does a hell of a lot better job keeping my tank clear than the 20-40.

If you don't plan on upgrading and have a smaller filter available to you then put it in it will def. help. You always want to go twice or even 3 times the limit of your tank for a filter.

If you have a 28 gallon tank I would suggest just spending money on 1 bigger HOB filter. Unless you have some money to play with I don't really see spending a lot of money on a nice canister filter.
But if you upgrade your tank to a bigger size youll probably want a canister filter or sump as HOB filters aren't really adequate for bigger tanks.

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by snowboss

i agree with serial,

Before i upgraded my 20 gallon tank to a hagen 110 {110 gallon tank capacity} i ran a whisper 30 and a whisper 15 HOB filters i had ehiem mech in both filters {no factory cartridges} and a carbon bag in the bigger one - -and it kept my tank really nice {nicer than this monster HOB i have now actually} but with 2 power heads, a heater, two filters and a HOB poor little tank looked more like a sump than a display i bought the bigger filter and took out one of the power heads......................I actually like the concept of two filters [and might be going back to it] as you can clean one, one week and the other the next , so each filter is getting serviced every two weeks without messing with the bactieria balance in the tank....but if you have a smaller tank they can congest things up pretty quickly...............Boss

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by Peterkarig3210

My opinion on this is that the more the better with filtration. Especially if you don't have live plants. I use a canister filter that's rated to filter a 175 gallon tank and a powerhead with a sponge filter for my 35 gallon long planted tank and I never have issues with ammonia or nitrites, or nitrates for that matter.
You'll rarely have problems if you over filter IMO.

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by spongebob4460

I agree with snowboss (and personally prefer two filters), because with two filters you can service one while the other remains stable with beneficial bacteria. Also, if for whatever reason one filter goes down or clogs or shorts... you have a back up filter running with beneficials, and your fish wont suffer or die. Plus with two filters you have more room within each to add additional media... with one you are constrained to its internal area.

I have one penguin biowheel and one whisper... the whisper is quieter, but no biowheel, so pros and cons to each. I hear canisters are efficient but harder to clean. So it depends on your preference. But as far as number of filters, to me it seems like diversifying your risk... the more you have, the less chance for a catastrophe to bring down your whole system.

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by Peterkarig3210

I agree with the idea of having 2 filters so when you change one you still have the other to maintain the bacteria.

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by Zambize4899

Wow, what great input. All great ideas. I do like the idea of having 2 filters so that if one goes down, one is still running adequately for the tank. I've been at this for only 7 weeks and I've already had a heater die on me. Thank god PetsMart was still open. Clearly, it is in my tank's best interest to have additional filtration, I will do that.

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by spongebob4460

good move, you wont regret it. It can only benefit the tank, so you won't run into other problems later which will cost you more money and heartache.

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by gumbii

i dissagree with you guys... lol... sorry...

but i like to have several filters... at least 3 per tank... since i have lots of tanks i'm always going thru filters like crazy... at least 5 of them give out yearly...

i recomend another penguin 150... they're cheap, work great and you will have 300GPH on the tank without adding powerheads or anything... plus, a tank isn't a qube... you want water circulating thru the entire tank not just the middle or the side... so before you end up getting a case of the tank goblins and end up without a working filter, i recomend getting two penguins...

and another thing... go to print out what ever you want to buy and they will match the online price... that's freaken awesome IMO...

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by elscion111

im using 2 filters too one at each end of the tank, plus the undergravel filtration & it keeps the tank verrrry clean.....

Two filters on one tank?

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