Root tab recommendations
2 posts
justkeepswimming - Posts: 28
- Joined: Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:55 am
Root tab recommendations
Any particular brand you would recommend over another? I just typed in root tabs to look for some to buy and there's a good number of ones available! Can't make up my mind, lol. They all sort of seem the same to me anyways. Does it matter or would I be best going with a certain brand?
reefer171 - Posts: 52
- Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:53 pm
Re: Root tab recommendations
I'd say there's definitely a difference from my experience. I've used API and Flourish I believe - I can check and see if those are the ones but I'm fairly sure they are. Anyway, API didn't work great, but Flourish seems ok. I've used liquid fert too and really that seems to work best, but if you're looking for root tabs than maybe Flourish.