Smaller goldfish
9 posts
lumi - Posts: 63
- Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:26 am
Smaller goldfish
I was curious if there are any types of smaller goldfish that would be suitable for a smaller/medium sized tank? I love goldfish but don't have the space for a giant tank or pond.
kate_kuhli - Posts: 268
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- Location: Florida
Re: Smaller goldfish
I would recommend fantail goldfish. They're the smallest goldfish (I think?) and 2 would be okay in a 30 gallon.
lumi - Posts: 63
- Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:26 am
Re: Smaller goldfish
Awesome, fantails sound perfect! I think I want a calico fantail and a red and white fantail.
Can I have any other fish with them or ought it just be a goldfish-only tank?
Can I have any other fish with them or ought it just be a goldfish-only tank?
kate_kuhli - Posts: 268
- Joined: Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:04 am
- Location: Florida
Re: Smaller goldfish
Hmm well if you go with the 30 gallon you might be about stocked bioload wise. Goldfish are messy fish so you'll need some good filtration.
Be aware you may need to upgrade to a 55 gallon as they grow older (I'm assuming you'll be getting babies) because even fantails get pretty big around and may need more swimming space.
Be aware you may need to upgrade to a 55 gallon as they grow older (I'm assuming you'll be getting babies) because even fantails get pretty big around and may need more swimming space.
tetrafan - Posts: 95
- Joined: Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:03 pm
Re: Smaller goldfish
Well, regarding fish compatible with goldfish, the difficult part is that goldfish are coldwater fish so you can't put in, for example, neon tetras which need much warmer water. Then either the goldfish or the neons suffer, so it's not doable.
There are some coldwater fish that work with goldies though. Like rosy red minnows, white cloud minnows, possibly american flag fish and mosquito fish (they're coldwater but I'm unsure of their behavior - I *think* they're peaceful enough to be with goldies).
I would get a 40 gallon if you're going to house 2 fantails with other fish though as a 30 gallon would be already fully stocked with 2 fantails.
There are some coldwater fish that work with goldies though. Like rosy red minnows, white cloud minnows, possibly american flag fish and mosquito fish (they're coldwater but I'm unsure of their behavior - I *think* they're peaceful enough to be with goldies).
I would get a 40 gallon if you're going to house 2 fantails with other fish though as a 30 gallon would be already fully stocked with 2 fantails.
lumi - Posts: 63
- Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:26 am
Re: Smaller goldfish
Cool, I'll take a look at those fish and see what their requirements are.
Do you think cooler water cories, plecos or loaches would be doable in a fantail tank or no? I'm considering the other levels of the tank also. But I guess goldfish probably occupy all levels (bottom, middle, top)?
ETA: I meant to say, I'm okay with having a slightly bigger tank such as in the range of 40-55 gallons.
Do you think cooler water cories, plecos or loaches would be doable in a fantail tank or no? I'm considering the other levels of the tank also. But I guess goldfish probably occupy all levels (bottom, middle, top)?
ETA: I meant to say, I'm okay with having a slightly bigger tank such as in the range of 40-55 gallons.
kate_kuhli - Posts: 268
- Joined: Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:04 am
- Location: Florida
Re: Smaller goldfish
Yeah, dojo loaches are great in goldfish tanks.
Plecos - rubbernose and bristlenose plecos can be housed in goldfish tanks but plecos can suck the slime coat off goldfish...supposedly rubbernose and bristlenose don't, it's more the common plecos that are dangerous to certain fish in that regard, but I'd still make sure the RN/BN plecs got plenty to eat so they wouldn't be tempted!
Cories - I don't know, but I'd be worried that if a large fantail goldie tried to eat a small cory that the goldie would choke or get hurt by the cories barbs.
Plecos - rubbernose and bristlenose plecos can be housed in goldfish tanks but plecos can suck the slime coat off goldfish...supposedly rubbernose and bristlenose don't, it's more the common plecos that are dangerous to certain fish in that regard, but I'd still make sure the RN/BN plecs got plenty to eat so they wouldn't be tempted!
Cories - I don't know, but I'd be worried that if a large fantail goldie tried to eat a small cory that the goldie would choke or get hurt by the cories barbs.
fishyfriend - Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:55 pm
Re: Smaller goldfish
The bigger the tank the better! Also you will once you get into it you will only want bigger!
From my experience you can have the following with fantail goldfish with no problems:
Zebra danios, corydora catfish, hoplo catfish, algae eaters and snails. I'm sure theres more.
Glowlight danios are also a possibility while the goldfish are still young, but once big they might look tasty (so i've heard) but your goldfish will outlive them so not really a problem at this stage. These are quite timid though so you will need quite a few together. Zebra danios are probably a better bet.
Hope this helps
The bigger the tank the better! Also you will once you get into it you will only want bigger!
From my experience you can have the following with fantail goldfish with no problems:
Zebra danios, corydora catfish, hoplo catfish, algae eaters and snails. I'm sure theres more.
Glowlight danios are also a possibility while the goldfish are still young, but once big they might look tasty (so i've heard) but your goldfish will outlive them so not really a problem at this stage. These are quite timid though so you will need quite a few together. Zebra danios are probably a better bet.
Hope this helps

georgemygoldfish - Posts: 4
- Joined: Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:03 am
Re: Smaller goldfish
The bigger the tank the better if you want to keep their water quality up without changing the water 2 or even 3 times a week. I have 2 in a 40 breeder and I finally hooked it up to an additional 30 gallon refugium to keep the water clean and get back to only once weekly water changes. A 30 gallon will only cut it for a year. Then they'll grow... Don't even think about increasing the population of fish unless you have a much larger tank or a refugium. That being said, i *love* my george and gracie! ♥♥♥