Crushed Coral
4 posts
tekneb - Posts: 211
- Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:45 am
Crushed Coral
So, as part of the final major rescape to my tank, I bought a very large piece of Malaysian driftwood. It's about 15 lbs and will be going into my tank in the next day or two (depending on how long it leeches for). I know a piece that big is going to drop my ph, which is currently somewhere in the 7-7.4 range, and I remembered a few people mentioning (or perhaps it was just stingray mentioning it a few times, lol) using crushed coral to balance it out. My question is, how much crushed coral do I put in my filter? It's a 65 gallon tank with a Marineland Magnum 350 canister filter. And are there any options out there other then crushed coral? Any and all help is appreciated as always :)
stingraysrule - Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:37 pm
You know..... if your PH drops a bit you will be ok.. even down to 6, will be fine unless you have fish that require higher PH. If you have a planted tank, all the better..
because plants like lower PH.
I added crushed coral because I was also running CO2 for my plants which drops it WAY down.
If you do weekly water changes, I would not worry so much about the PH, and just keep an eye on it, that it does not go down too low.
If you are worried about it..... you do not need too much crushed coral to
higher it. I am not familiar with your filtration, but I run fluvals, and I would say I put in about 5 cups in my cannister for my 80G. Try starting with 3 cups and test your water a couple days after. After awhile, the tannis will leach out of the wood before the crushed coral stops working, so you are going to have to remove it or it will higher your ph 7.8, or higher. So, don't forget that it is in there.
It is all trial and error. The big thing to worry about is a SUDDEN drop in your PH..
adding crushed coral, or your wood, will not do that...... it takes time, so you have time to monitor it with a PH test kit.
because plants like lower PH.
I added crushed coral because I was also running CO2 for my plants which drops it WAY down.
If you do weekly water changes, I would not worry so much about the PH, and just keep an eye on it, that it does not go down too low.
If you are worried about it..... you do not need too much crushed coral to
higher it. I am not familiar with your filtration, but I run fluvals, and I would say I put in about 5 cups in my cannister for my 80G. Try starting with 3 cups and test your water a couple days after. After awhile, the tannis will leach out of the wood before the crushed coral stops working, so you are going to have to remove it or it will higher your ph 7.8, or higher. So, don't forget that it is in there.
It is all trial and error. The big thing to worry about is a SUDDEN drop in your PH..
adding crushed coral, or your wood, will not do that...... it takes time, so you have time to monitor it with a PH test kit.
stingraysrule - Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:37 pm
I just read your profile.. your fish and plants will benefit the lower PH.
Most of the fish you have in there, would prefer lower PH, not sure about the barbs tho.....
7.4 is on the higher side for freshwater!
My advise would be to NOT add crushed coral until you see what happens when you add the wood.
Put the wood in, and give it 2 days, and then test the water.
The wood will SLOWLY change the PH which will be safe for the fish.
You just don't want to have them in a low PH for a substantial amount of time.. like a month.
6.6 to 7.0 is IMO the best for FW. 6.5 to 6.8, a planted tank.
Most of the fish you have in there, would prefer lower PH, not sure about the barbs tho.....
7.4 is on the higher side for freshwater!
My advise would be to NOT add crushed coral until you see what happens when you add the wood.
Put the wood in, and give it 2 days, and then test the water.
The wood will SLOWLY change the PH which will be safe for the fish.
You just don't want to have them in a low PH for a substantial amount of time.. like a month.
6.6 to 7.0 is IMO the best for FW. 6.5 to 6.8, a planted tank.