Koralias on a wavemaker?

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Koralias on a wavemaker?

by fihsboy

Just curious, can it be done with some airline tubing? or does it not work well. Thanks guys.

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by Snowboss4492

hydor makes a specific power head for wave timers, the regular or standard koralias won't handle the "on/off" cycles and burn up

http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem~ ... IPHAD.html

that site has a hydor wave controller also


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by fihsboy

I just didnt want to spend the money boss. :) Ill use my old koralia and a maxi jet for now, then Ill upgrade later. but if I upgrade, its not going to be with koralias, its going to be an MP20 from ecotech. I was just thinking I could get off cheap. :)

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by jweb

the maxijet are controllable. they are the cheapest wavemaker set i've seen.
http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/p ... atid=12061

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by fihsboy

I was given two koralia 2's today from the owner at the lfs. :) I was offered a 2x175watt halide system for free........but it just wont fit in the canopy I have. Plus the ballasts are magnetic and rusty. Im thinking 1600gph is enough in a 45 gallon. :)

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by Snowboss4492

Boss has a 120 that needs lights ....hehehehe free halides ..........

agree with jweb, those dam maxis are ugly and cheap but they just friggin chug along ..........the problem with koralias is they are very under powered dut use propellers like a boat and fluid dynamics to move massive amounts of water with tiny amounts of power - - -i burned one up with hair algae.............they just wont handle start stop start stop for very long

i am curious to hear some reports on the koralia wave units though as i love the flow they do put out over a standard powerhead, to bad they're so pricee


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by fihsboy

LFS has one on his reef, they are SWEET, you cant even hear them, but the control unit gets a little warm.

Koralias on a wavemaker?

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