Lighting requirments

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Lighting requirments

by nicholas542

hey I was wondering just how many watts per gallon I will need to keep LPS corals in my 40 gallon tank. I am currently running a Hagen dual T5 39Watt bulb fixture one light is a 18,000K and the other is a 6500K. I also run a dual T10 fixture with 2 20Watt pure Actinic lights an hour before and after the main lights cycle on/off. At night i'm running 8 deep blue LED moonlights from 7:00 P.M. - 2:00 A.M. Any help would be great. After I get my income tax return I'm going to get another dual T5 Hagen fixture with 2 6500K bulbs, and replace the T10's. Will 2 18,000K's and 2 6500K's be enough to keep LPS corals. I currently have 3 heads of Branching Frog Spawn and they have doubled in size since I got them 3 months ago.

Posts: 1837
Joined: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:20 pm

by fihsboy

Then it sounds like your lighting is pretty much right now. Just be carefull adding new lights......T5's are a lot more intense so do it in stages if possible. You dont want to bleach your frogspawn.

Lighting requirments

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